Friday, February 2, 2018,

9: oo p.m. Speeches, presentations and debates
Actions within the module. Wine within a broader cultural context. It produces and transports civilization.

Action No. 1

‘ Wine in the historical presence of monotheistic religions in Crete. ‘ Study and short presentation by Mr. Christos Fradello.

Mr. Fradellos studied theologian at the Kapodistrian University of Athens, with postgraduate studies in religious studies.

He is a professor of secondary education at the 3rd Lyceum of Chania and author of the book Islamic fraternities in Turkish-occupied Crete. ”

Σύμφωνα με τον κ. Φραδέλλο
Η παρουσίαση αυτή περιορίστηκε να δει το κρασί μέσα από την κουλτούρα των τριών αβρααμικών, όπως λέγονται, θρησκειών – δηλ. του Ιουδαϊσμού, του Χριστιανισμού και του Ισλάμ – με τη σειρά που εμφανίστηκαν στην ιστορία, αλλά και στο νησί της Κρήτης.


Here the wine has a dominant position. References to wine, sometimes as wine and sometimes as a native of the vine, we find dozens in the Hebrew Bible, but also in the Talmud, that is to say, the collection of texts, which is considered a continuation of the Hebrew Bible.

Throughout its history the Jewish people were inextricably linked to the production of wine. The rabinic tradition, old and modern, agrees that the wine releases internal forces and capabilities. It gives color and rhythm to what people do, which is why it is not missing from the big and important Jewish celebrations.


Christ’s references to wine are frequent. Describing vintage scenes, but also referring to wine knows that it is understood by its listeners.

It is no coincidence that his first miracle, as recorded in the New Testament, is carried out in a marriage in the town of Cana (Ιo 2, 1-11).

The leading moment of spotlight of the wine (along with the bread) on the axis of the liturgical life of the church are the founding reasons by Jesus of the Divine Liturgy “receive, eat this esti my body” and “take all this esti my blood.”

Our ecclesiastical celebrations and festivals present a pattern common to Christians of Crete, Orthodox and Catholics: Divine Liturgy and then feast with food, dance and song, of course with wine to give with aromas, colors and flavors Of the ecstatic that man needs.

The wine, as an integral part of the most important Christian function, of the Divine Liturgy, is consistent with the great Christian Virtues: The sociability, the sharing, the joy, the ecstatic, the creativity, the harmonious coexistence with the Ourselves, the fellow man, God and nature.


Despite the pervasive perception of many, the Koran does not clearly prohibit the consumption of wine.

Somewhere it is praised as a divine gift and elsewhere, drunkenness is forbidden only at the time of prayer. Elsewhere, it is acknowledged that in wine there is a great deal of harm, but also a benefit, while other wine is denounced as Satan’s work.

However, despite the Koran’s reticence about the use of wine in the present life, the future life, the paradise, will be full of delights and indeed wine of the chosen one, but it will not cause a headache or dizziness.

Many Sufi poets, such as the Persians, Omar Kayam, Saandi, Tzelaladdin Rumi and Hafez praised love to God through the joys of life and beauty of the world. The wine has not been missed by anyone’s words.

In the years of Turkish domination, the Islamic Cretans generally did not have an appreciation from the faithful Turkish Muslims and were considered semi-unfaithful. The reason why they did not adhere faithfully to the Coranki cheques and kept in secret some delightful Christian habits, such as the consumption of wine.

In conclusion, wine, as an alloy of the fertility of the earth and the creative imagination of man, could only be an integral element of the meeting of Man with God.

As many times as it was attempted to rein in this relationship of man and wine from secular or religious power, the result fully vindicated wine and man.


Action 2

Analysis and discussion on the subject of wine, after reading parts from the book “Wine and Power ” by Jonathan Nossier.

The book was chosen because it constitutes a call for rebellion against our fears, so as to rediscover the freedom of taste, the deepest sense of taste.

The vineyard of each region is what determines the value of the wine’s taste and not the taste of some who judge the wine of each region according to their own sense of taste.

Those who had the opportunity to watch, saw the wine being presented “from the inside ” and “from the outside ” as it should relate to each person and not just the closed circle of wine-tasting.

“Wine is a custodian of memory…. One of the most notable….

If we accept that historical memory is the defining property of man, the one that separates him from the animals and gives us form, meaning and moral substance…. If we did not cultivate the memory of our ancestors,…. Our own personal past will we felt “Losers, betrayed in all kinds of fallacy, exploitation, falsehood….. ”

How does wine connect with memory?

It simply links the transmission of a subjective
Personal memory = Consumer or producer opinion about this, with the common memory, since the wine carries the memory of a whole vineyard and what it entails (soil, climate, temperature, humidity, drought, insect flora, etc.) (what the French with A word said terroir = Terrar).

Since OinoKritika for 12 years, Cretan wine has been treated as an element of civilization of our country (such as any wine of another region, is a cultural element of the place from which it originates), not only because it is produced in its region, a local product, But why bring within it, all the characteristics of each ampelotopioy from which it is produced.

So we said to prove this special relationship of wine-spot bringing to the highly interesting discussion that followed side-by-side producers from Crete and Macedonia (Naoussa) to find out how much they share the wine of the two vines-places and if And how many differences divide their winemakers ‘ struggle. The wine information exchanged by the winemakers of the 2 regions that took part in the wine-Cretan 2018 was incredibly beneficial to both. This is for the inside wine.

“Wine is the blood of the Earth…. At the same time it is a means of conceit, snobism and social advancement… “This is for wine watching ” from outside “….